Nugget Nectar is a so-called “imperial amber ale’’ made in Harrisburg, Pa., by Tröeg’s Brewing Co. Despite its immense popularity, Nugget Nectar is brewed only once a year, so once it’s gone from liquor store shelves, it’s gone for a year.
Its devotees take pains to make sure they get some before it runs out. Message boards on have been filled with posts in recent weeks by people wondering if the prized ale has landed yet. Queries were posted with the kind of breathless excitement one would expect from a UFO fanatic watching the aliens land at Devils Tower. “Any updates on Nugget Nectar in the the area yet?’’ reads one board, which is peppered with comments about which liquor stores are getting six-packs and which bars are putting it on tap. When the beer finally hit stores a few days ago, the board lit up with sightings across the region.
The frenzy has increased gradually in the seven years since Tröeg’s started brewing Nugget Nectar. “It certainly caught us off guard,’’ said Chris Trogner, who co-owns Tröeg’s with his brother, John. “You can’t guess what people are going to love.’’
But is the beer’s popularity a result of its limited availability? Or is it really that good? Let’s have a taste.
An extreme version of Tröeg’s HopBack amber ale, Nugget Nectar has a striking color that’s somewhere between orange and copper. The beer pours with a small head that quickly dissipates but leaves some nice webbed lacing sticking to the glass. The aroma is that of a West Coast IPA, with a blast of hops and alcohol. As the label indicates, a fistful of hops — five varieties of them — hit you in the first sip, along with notes of oranges, grapefruits, and caramel. While the beer is bitter, it’s not one-dimensional. It has a smooth and warming finish, with just enough earthy malt character to distinguish it from an imperial IPA.
No question, this is the best amber ale I’ve ever tasted, and it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most sought-after brews in the Northeast. All of which prompts another question: If the beer is so popular, why not brew it year round?
The answer: Tröeg’s doesn’t have the capacity to make more — yet. The company is building a new brewery that should be running by fall.
“We hope by next year we should have more Nugget Nectar,’’ Trogner said.
He’s not the only one.
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