Tuesday, March 11, 2014

New York State of Mind

New York State has become an important player in the craft whiskey boom. The clean water and excellent conditions for growing grain in Upstate NY have made it possible for Joe Canal's to offer you another outstanding whiskey line from Finger Lakes Distilling.

Like many great things, Finger Lakes Distilling started with an unusual coincidence. In this case, appropriately, it was at a craft distillers’ conference.

Brian McKenzie, a former Vice President of an upstate New York bank, and Thomas Earl McKenzie, a winemaker, brewer and distiller from Monroeville, Alabama, met at that conference in 2007. They aren’t related, but the two share the passion for craft spirits that led them to build a distillery in the heart of Finger Lakes wine country, on the shores of Seneca Lake.

It might seem like an odd choice, putting a distillery in the middle of a wine region. But if you think about it, it makes sense. For one thing, there is immediate access to the crop of one of the best grape-growing regions in the country. There is even a vineyard in front of the distillery. The Finger Lakes region is also home to quite a few small farms, from which they get their corn, rye, barley, and the other grains and fruits that are use to make the premium spirits.

Finger Lakes Distilling is a NYS Farm Distillery, which means that they’re a small operation making a handcrafted product. It also means they’re able to devote all their attention to every product; there are no shortcuts. The flavored vodkas and liqueurs are made in the traditional manner, by soaking real fruits in the spirit. They don’t add extracts or synthetic flavoring to speed up the process. The whiskies rest in oak barrels for as long as they need to, until they mature into the rich aged spirit that are offered with pride.

Although we are bringing in three different styles of their McKenzie Whiskey, the season requires us to focus on their Irish-style Pure Potstill Whiskey.

McKenzie Pure Potstill Whiskey  is their take on an Irish-style whiskey – soft, smooth and easy drinking. Finger Lakes Distilling uses a combination of locally-grown unmalted barley and malted barley. The whiskey is aged in used bourbon and rye barrels. Master Distiller Thomas Earl says: “Our Potstill Whiskey is a richer version of the commercial Irish whiskies on the market. It’s full of flavor, but smooth as silk stockings.”

Please ask for McKenzie Whiskey on your next visit to Joe Canal's!

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