Our website is If you're a new visitor, that URL will first give you a choice of our Lawrenceville or Woodbridge stores, before sending you on to your preferred destination.
This image is the Woodbridge home page, and the Lawrenceville page looks the same. Here's how to navigate the site:
Login: Click there to create an account. This will give you access to the Bottle Club® pricing for our store stock.
Search Box: This sits below the Login. This allows you to type in any term and search the stock listed on our site.
Drop Down Menus: Below the Search box, you'll see "Wines", "Spirits", etc. Each is a pull-down menu, except for "Events" and "Blog", which take you directly to those pages. The Customer Service tab includes an assortment of topics, from Employment information to our special order request form, and new topics rotate in and out on occasion.
The sections above are visible on every page within our website. Clicking on the logo (top left) will always return you to the home page.
Left Gutter: There are four red buttons on the left side of the page. "Click and Save" is where you can sign up to receive our twice-weekly Bottle Club® emails. "Current Sales Ad" takes you to a pdf file that lists many of our sale items. This usually changes every three weeks. "Weekly Coupons" is a link to saving money. Every week, we typically publish six coupons that offer additional savings on wines, beer and spirits items. You don't even need to print the coupons, as long as we can see the code on your smartphone.
The Left Gutter will change as you go to other pages within the website. The changed buttons will allow you to select specific shopping parameters and view our inventory.
The final item on the left is a link to our Events Calendar, with a brief note about the next few on the schedule.
Images: There are several images that rotate in the space where you see "What's New?" above. Clicking on that image will take you to that specific destination within our website.
Main Space: You'll first see a few featured items, with links to allow you to view more products.
Bottom of Page: Not visible in the image above, you'll find our store address, phone and hours, an interactive map, and links to general information.
We post to Twitter a number of times throughout the day. The topics will vary; we'll give you advance notice of events, we'll let you know about specials, we'll re-tweet info from our partners, etc. Every Thursday, we offer a Twitter-exclusive coupon, giving you the opportunity to save even more money.
Find us on Twitter:
Lawrenceville: @jcanalslawrence
Woodbridge: @jcwoodbridge
We do follow back.
We post to Facebook once or twice a day. The topics can differ from what we post to Twitter, and we sometimes go into more detail than we can with 140 characters. And whichever platform you prefer, we do respond to inquiries, comments and concerns as soon as we are able.
Find us on Facebook:
Looking Ahead
We have any number of web-related projects in the development pipeline. We're currently evaluating an on-line ordering process for our Woodbridge store. This would allow you to place your order through our website, so that it would be ready for you once you arrived at the store. That's a much-requested feature, and should be operational within the next few months.
If you think there's something we should include, please let us know. We're open to suggestions for improving any aspect of our operations.
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