Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Melting Snow, Chilling Beer

The weekend snow caused a minor disruption in our supply chain, but we did get in plenty of new craft beer. Here's a look at our most recent deliveries.

Troegs Nugget Nectar. The annual release of Nugget Nectar is always a highly anticipated event. Once a year, as the newest humulus lupulus harvest arrives at Tröegs, we blend these super-fresh hops into an Imperial Amber Ale. Excessively dry-hopped, Nugget Nectar is an explosion of pine, resin and mango.

Available in 6-pack bottles in both stores. Available in 6-pack cans in Lawrenceville only.

Lagunitas Undercover Investigation Shut-Down. Our malty and rich beer with a snappy hop finish truly defies style…Imperial Mild?...Uber ESB?... We do know for sure that it is Unforgiven and Unrepentant. 9.3% ABV. Pair With a minced dandelined-nettle blend atop a bed of bitter, aromatic greens...and corned-beef. Click here for our coupon page (valid at both stores) to save $1.50/6-pack (up to 3) of this seasonal beer from Lagunitas.

Bolero Snort Javahorn. We took one of our favorite treatment casks and popped it into production. This assertively hopped American Black Ale hits you with and up front bitterness that makes way for a big espresso kick! A healthy dose of vanilla
beans gives this brew a silky smooth finish. 22oz bottles, Woodbridge only.

Sixpoint Hi-Res. To see the hop cone up close, we zoomed in microscopic, and found a hi-res view. In Hi-Resolution, the hop optic was magnified; our perception, fully amplified. It's microscopic. It's telescopic. It's off-topic. It's Mad Science. 10.5% ABV, 115 IBU's.

Fort Collins Oldwyn Olde English. The matured demeanor of a malty-sweet, rich dark amber brew, Oldwyn Olde is a grumpy old monster with a temper of aromas, including dried fruit, vinous and toffee. It's followed by a tantrum of malt complexity and alcohol notes, finishing sweet. 7.5% ABV, 25 IBU's. Extremely limited availability.

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