Tuesday, April 5, 2016

We're Cornered

Thanks again to all of our craft beer people for making this the most-viewed blog post of the week. While we can't represent every new craft beer delivery here, we hope to entice you into visiting our stores and seeing our vast selection for yourself.

Our Spring seasonal beers are nearly gone, and our Summer beers continue to arrive. Grab your seasonal favorites while you can! Here's a look at what's new at Joe Canal's in Lawrenceville and Woodbridge:

Green Flash Passion Fruit Kicker. We’ve kicked it up a notch by adding a tropical twist to this refreshing ale. Get amped on Passion Fruit Kicker—a jaw-dropping, mouth-watering, smooth brew with sweet, tart, fruity flavor. We layer passion fruit tea and passion fruit juice with wheat malt and 2-row malted barley to bring you this exhilarating crowd pleaser. Your palate will do a 360 for more of this luscious wheat ale.

Tasting notes: Appearance—Hazy pale yellow with white beer foam. Aroma—Passion fruit pungency and fruit Belgian yeast esters similar to bubblegum. Flavor—Flavor has a prominent sweet tart passion fruit character that mingles with the Belgian fruit bowl esters. 5.5% ABV, 5 IBU's. This is a year-round beer.

River Horse Summer Blonde. A New Jersey favorite. A light, refreshing Ale that is easy to drink yet complex. Perfect for the warmer months. 4.5% ABV. Like any summer seasonal, it's here for a limited time.

Boulevard Hibiscus Gose. Our version of an unusual, yet resurgent, beer style. It pays tribute to the pleasantly sour, slightly salty wheat beers that originated in Goslar and became popular in Leipzig, Germany around the late 1800’s. A great introductory sour beer, Hibiscus Gose receives coriander and sea salt during boiling, then we steep dried hibiscus flowers at the end to create a vibrant pink hue (really, though, it’s pink!). The result is a tangy, sweet and sour ale with a refreshing citrus character. 4.2% ABV, 11 IBU's.

Tasting notes. Aroma: slight lemon/cherry acidity, subtle sea salt and coriander. Malt: minimal honey-like sweetness. Balance: refreshing acidity, slight fruitiness. Body: light, crisp. Currently available only in Lawrenceville.

21st Amendment Brewery Toaster Pastry. Our first beer out of our new brewery is an homage to its former life as a toaster pastry factory.

Biscuit malts give the beer a slightly nutty, crust-like flavor, while pale and dark Crystal malts create the mouthfeel and flavors reminiscent of strawberry jam. Calypso and other experimental hops give this ruby ale a welcome bite, plus a few more in the hop back for a toasty-sweet aroma. 7.6% ABV, 74 IBU's. Currently available only in Woodbridge.

Did this fresh four-pack of craft beer whet your palate? Be the first to know about craft beer deliveries via email from our beer team. Send your contact info to Steve Kubowitz, skubowitz@joecanalslv.com in Lawrenceville, or Susan Rindosh, srindosh@joecanalswb in Woodbridge.

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